Friday, October 10, 2008

My first post

Ok, not a very original title, I'll admit, but I'm stumped as to how else to start this off. I've resisted blogging for so long that I can't quite believe I've finally bowed to the pressure. It remains to be seen how long I'll keep it up for, of course...

Maya and I went into the garden this morning to play sandcastles. The weather was nice and sunny which led me to consider the fact that her paddling pool, which had lain dormant during our two months absence, was in desperate need of a clean. It was too close to lunchtime to do anything about it then, so I promised her that I would clean it out and she could put her swimming costume on after her nap and go for a paddle.

In my excitement (ok, not excitement - after all, I was contemplating a major cleaning job. Maybe stupidity would be a better word.) I forgot rule number one of parenting: never promise what you can't deliver. During the afternoon the winds picked up and it became too chilly for Maya to have her promised swim. We did get the hose out and clean the pool anyway, though, so she didn't seem to mind!

Mummy... where's the water? She obviously couldn't connect the tap at the other end of the garden with the water coming out of the hose, so she kept dipping the hose into my bucket to make water come out of it.

So I turned it on and the inevitable happened...

And then the pouts...

"Maya berry berry wet"

"And Maya berry berry cold"

One quick change of clothes later and the smiles came out again. Along with the Dora shoes, which didn't please me quite as much ;)

And the last photo of the day, which needs a little explanation. One of the Dora shoes having fallen off, Maya insisted that she could put it back on herself. Placing the shoe on the step next to her, she attempted to pull her foot over and put IT into her shoe. The logic of a 2yr old never ceases to amaze me :)

Oh, and in case you've been wondering what that is in her hand, it's a fireman. If you have (or have ever had) a 2yr old, there's probably no need for further explanation ;)

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