Thursday, November 27, 2008

A walk in the park

Maya has discovered a love for (after overcoming a slight fear of) climbing trees. To be fair, it's more 'getting lifted into' rather than climbing but who's complaining?

Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving all!

Friday, November 21, 2008

A plug

It suddenly occurred to me this morning that I haven't mentioned Jungle's original 'Mummy' (of the human ilk, not the bunny ;) )

If you're ever in the market for a rabbit (and, let's face it, who wouldn't be after seeing this face?)

then I can definitely recommend Jungle's breeder, Rosanne. You can visit her
website or email her at

Go oooonnnnnn! You know you want a bunny :D

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

O Christmas Pee!

Firstly, let me make it quite clear that the originality and wit inherent in the title of this post is not mine. Thanks, Corinne!!

I bought some fabrics and props today for doing Christmas photos - I have a couple of shoots at the weekend that I need them for. I was really pleased with my purchases and wanted to try them out so I set up a little studio in the living room and had Maya model for me. She wasn't terribly up for it - she didn't have a nap today and was a bit grouchy so she was deliberately messing me around; running towards the camera; looking the other way and laughing and generally doing her best to annoy me.

However, the last laugh will be on her... in about 14 years time, when she starts bringing home boyfriends. Because I will totally show them this photograph...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I really need to take more photos!

I have been a bit lax on the picture front recently and for that I apologise. I will try to do better in future ;)

News from this end... well, not much really. Maya did her first poop in her potty on Sunday - a major cause for celebration! I wasn't here to see it because I was at a shoot. I'm not sure whether to be disappointed or grateful but I'm leaning more towards the grateful end.

Just a couple of recent pictures - I'll try to have more up by the end of the week!

I did a photo shoot for Autumn's family last week and Maya came along too. She was watching the 'big kids' playing, with a rather forlorn "When will I grow up?" look on her face.

Maya turned her Fairy Boot into a rabbit restaurant, which was a big hit with both her and Jungle!

The lengths this bunny will go to for a grape... like falling over backwards.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


We were playing a game of opposites yesterday. It's the first time I've really introduced the concept and Maya surprised me in how quickly she picked up on it. She was able to correctly identify the opposites of things like day, in, up, happy, on etc. etc. then S asked her "What's the opposite of smile?" I thought she would have no idea whatsoever because frown is not a word that I believe she knows. She thought for a little while and then suddenly came out with "Owie". I was pretty impressed - that's some fairly good deductive reasoning right there!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The story of Princess Maya

"Princess Maya walk forest. Three chairs, first sit big chair... too big! Sit miggle chair... too big! Sit ickle chair... perfect! Three porrrrridge! First, big porridge, too big, sec miggle porridge, too cold, take ickle porridge - perfect! Do gobble gobble gobble. Three beds. First big bed - too big! Sec miggle bed - too big! Sit ickle bed - perfect! Have nap. Snoooore.Three bears come home. Daddy bear sit big chair, Mummy bear sit miggle chair, baby bear sit baby chair. Porridge boken. Kying - waaaaah, sit my chair! Baby bear kying. Porridge berry saaaad. Watch three beds. Daddy bear sit big bed, Mummy bear sit miggle bed, baby bear sit baby bed. Princess Maya wake UP! Three bears saw Princess Maya walk to forest!"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Potty Training x2

Who'd have thought that the rabbit would be a million times easier to train than the human?

S bought a litter tray for Jungle on Sunday. Since he came into the house this morning, we have not had a single accident - he has been using the litter tray the whole time.

Maya, on the other hand... well, it's still a work in progress.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

More about the new guy!

Jungle is settling in well - he quickly became used to his new surroundings and has shown himself to be a very friendly, affectionate little bunny. He loves to give bunny kisses - he'll lick whichever part of you is handy, from your toes to your nose! Apparently in bunny language, mutual grooming like this is a sign that he's accepted us as his family. He likes us! He really likes us!

He's also discovered a fondness for grapes. Well... I say fondness. It's really more of a rabid fanaticism: this rabbit will do anything for a grape, including but not limited to pulling himself up my trouser leg if he suspects I am holding one in my hand. I have discovered, however, that bunnies can actually become addicted to grapes - I kid you not. Sorry, Jungle, but it's 2 a day and no more. I shall not be complicit in enabling your addiction ;)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A new addition to the family!

And I seriously defy anyone to find a cuter dude than this! Maya is besotted and, if we're being honest, so are Saugata and I! He's simply adorable and very calm and gentle. Maya kept running off to find more toys to show him and he wasn't phased by her thrusting them in his face.

Without further ado, allow me to introduce 'Jungle' :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Maya's Hallowe'en

Started with a garden photoshoot - after all, what mother could resist as cute a witch as this one?!

Here she is getting ready to go trick or treating. She was a little shy so all her "chick or cheat!" practising didn't really pay off - she had to be prompted and then whispered it so quietly that no-one could hear her, but she enjoyed herself and that's the main thing!

Arriving home and already starting in on the chocolate!

"Can I eat ALL this before bedtime?"

Pumpkin Carving

The lid comes off...

Maya spends the evening trying to get her hands on any sharp object she can see...

And because I'm the only person who knows how to use the camera, it ends up looking like I had nothing at all to do with the finished masterpieces. Awesome!

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch today and Maya had a ball! First, we paid $4 to enter a small area with lots of Dora cut-outs and some marigolds. If Maya had been just 6 months older, it would have cost $8. Somewhat of a rip-off, methinks (though, to be fair, the lady at the ticket counter did warn me, but Maya likes Dora so what can you do?)

She then went for a ride on the up and down horses - this one was definitely a hit!

She enjoyed the hayride too!

Next came the Storybook Path and Bootsie the Bee - both simple paths through a corn field, but with some nice little displays along the way.

And finally we got to pick out some pumpkins to take home.

"This is the one I want - I'll put it in the wheelbarrow, Mummy!"

"Ok, so it's a tad heavy. Maybe you could help a girl out?"

"I'll just push the wheelbarrow then, shall I? Ummm.... actually, this is a tad heavy too. I think I'll leave that one to you as well, if you don't mind."

"How about I just sit IN the wheelbarrow and you can push me? Great stuff - glad I could help, Mummy"

Now all we have to do is carve the blessed things!

Also, another plug for Cath's Daisybows - Maya's wearing my favourite one in the pictures :)