Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Firstly, I must comment on the difficulties inherent in getting a 2yr old to keep something as "a surprise".

Maya and I went off shopping for Daddy's presents and cake yesterday and I kept reminding her that it was a surprise for Daddy, for his birthday. Obviously this did sink in... somewhat.

We collected Daddy from the train station in the evening and no sooner was he in the car than Maya was telling him "Happy Birthday" and waffling on about surprises and candles. She did also tell him about the trousers I had bought for his gift. Luckily, Daddy is not quite so clued in on Maya-speak as Mummy is, and failed to pick up on any of her not-so-subtle hints. Equally luckily, Maya has a tendency to follow up the word 'surprise' with "piece of toast!" (she somehow managed to learn that at Granny's house) so that kind of threw Daddy off the scent, I think. Maybe he was just pretending to be clueless ;)

Here she is singing Happy Birthday to Daddy this evening. Enjoy!

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