Jungle is settling in well - he quickly became used to his new surroundings and has shown himself to be a very friendly, affectionate little bunny. He loves to give bunny kisses - he'll lick whichever part of you is handy, from your toes to your nose! Apparently in bunny language, mutual grooming like this is a sign that he's accepted us as his family. He likes us! He really likes us!
He's also discovered a fondness for grapes. Well... I say fondness. It's really more of a rabid fanaticism: this rabbit will do anything for a grape, including but not limited to pulling himself up my trouser leg if he suspects I am holding one in my hand. I have discovered, however, that bunnies can actually become addicted to grapes - I kid you not. Sorry, Jungle, but it's 2 a day and no more. I shall not be complicit in enabling your addiction ;)
Newest house project.
7 years ago
OMG!! I totally want a bunny!! Is he easy? Is he inside? Where does he potty?
He's easy as anything :D He has a hutch outside because I didn't want to have to bunny-proof the house, but he only goes in it at night time and if we go out. Otherwise, he has free run around the house - I just keep an eye on him to make sure he's not chewing anything he shouldn't be chewing ;)
You can house-train bunnies to use a litter tray. They're supposed to always use the same area to do their business and you just determine which area that is and stick a litter tray there. Hey presto - house trained bunny :D I'm not sure whether it's because Jungle is too young yet or whether we have a defective bunny, but he does his doings wherever he fancies. Luckily, they're very easy to clean up and don't smell ;)
It's just like having a puppy really - he greets me when I enter a room; runs round my feet when he wants to play; licks the living daylights out of any body part he can get hold of and begs for treats. I'm SO glad we got him!
He is adorable! I can't believe they can actually get addicted to grapes! I guess there are worse things to get addicted to.
He's soo stinkin cute! I don't think a bunny would survive over here. I have a hard enough time getting Keira to be gentle with her sister let alone a little bunny. You're photos are amazing as always.
awwwwwwwwwww....I'm sure Gianna would love to meet Jungle. She must be on her best behavior on our next visit.
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