Saturday, March 21, 2009

A couple of 'bedtime' funnies!

Playing for time...

"I don't want to go to bed, Mummy"
"It's bed time, Maya. Night night, poppet"
"One more cuddle and kiss?"
"Ok - just one more. Night night, now"
"Look Mummy - I'm going to sleep like this!" *turning and lying the wrong way round on the bed*
"Ok, sweetheart" *walking towards the door*
"But look, Mummy - I'm going to sleep like this!" *draping self half-in, half-out of bed*
"Ok, sweetheart" *continue walking towards door*
"But look, Mummy - I'm going to sleep like THIS!!!" *sitting on floor and leaning against bed*
"Ok. Night night, now" *leaving room*
"Oh, ok Mummy - I don't want to sleep like that" *getting back into bed and lying properly*
"Goodnight, Maya"
"Night night, Mummy"

How bedtime works...

Daddy: "I'm very tired"
Maya: "Ok, Daddy. Go lie down on the bed and cry and I'll bring you some toys."

1 comment:

AprilF said...

LOL! That little girl cracks me up!